Horror Vacui is a two-player abstract strategy board game based on the antiquated notion that nature abhors a vacuum.
Two players (or one player versus CPU), Water and Earth, take turns placing pieces on the board. The temperature of each piece affects adjacent pieces. The player with the most normal temperature pieces when the board is full wins!
- Keep your opponent on their toes with Hot and Cold pieces.
- Try to Normalize as many of your own pieces as possible.
- No good moves? Sacrifice a Hot or Cold piece to Normalize another.
- Watch out for the devastating Inferno and Ice Age Extinction Level Events!
- Same engaging strategy
- New dexterity-based reels and familar luck of the draw cards
- Two board sizes for longer or shorter play times
- All new 8-bit isometric graphics
- Unique temperature and element animations
- Expanded and remixed 8-bit music plus all new sound effects